Hypocrisy, Smut, and Other Bad Things

Hello people!

My apologies- I feel like I just started this blog and I haven't posted for 2 days! Bad blogger! But, in my defense, I think of everything I want to post late at night, lying in bed, looking up at the ceiling. Which would explain why I have insomnia.
Also a few new ideas for fanfiction have been floating around in my head, and I have been preoccupied with them. Which brings me to today's topic, the bad rap Fanfiction writers get. I don't know if this is strictly philosophy, but it brings up some very interesting features of human nature.

It might just be me, but I feel like the fanfiction forums of today have turned into the brothels of yesterday. Most people look down on them as little more than utter garbage, and yet many of these hypocrites wouldn't mind reading a bit of the smut on the side. They condemn the idea and yet they sneakingly indulge in it.

And yet, there is truth in what they say. A lot of fanfiction writing IS smut. But there is no reason why it has to be- and no reason why you should discount the whole idea of unpublished writing. The arena of unpublished writing is basically a dump- there's a whole bunch of trash, and then a few valuable gems, if you look hard enough. And here the analogy I made to the brothels stops, because, while there is some fanfiction writing that is not written to be smut, I think everyone who resides in a brothel actually participates in what goes on there. I guess you could say that just like how there are gems in fanfiction, there are prostitutes who are not morally corrupt. But then, if I extended the analogy even further, I, as a fanfiction writer, would be compared to a pimp. And that just doesn't make any sense, because I don't write smut.

Again with the bad rap thing; People are hypocritical by nature. We don't want to be accused of a bad action, yet we still want the morally corrupt enjoyment that comes along with participating in it. And it is ridiculous to say that humans are ever going to change enough to not want that morally corrupt enjoyment. So if we could even consider fixing the problem of hypocrisy, we'd have to do so from the other way. We'd have to get people to tell the truth about their bad actions.

And honestly that would be...very disturbing. I don't want my, say, chemistry teacher coming out and telling me that he.... I don't know....watches porn and cheats on his wife. In defense of hypocrisy, it is RIGHT for him to condemn those actions, to put off some small portion of the population who would have done those things had he not. What is wrong is that we human beings cannot contain ourselves- but one could argue that abstaining from bad actions all your life merely makes the break worse. We should let out the urge to do bad things in ways that won't hurt anyone, if we cannot control them.What kinds of actions do that? Reading smut, I suppose. Which might be why some of my friends, and a very large portion of the population, read it. I guess it's better than the alternative, which would be getting pregnant at fifteen and seeing your life go down a drain. Still, I gave it up because I knew my friends and family wouldn't approve of it, and because it makes me feel morally deprecated and wrong. That is something that intensely bothers me. But if it doesn't bother you, and its better than the alternative, carry on! Just please, try to do it under another genre. So that my writing doesn't get tarnished.

Note: I guess I should put in here WHY I write fanfiction, if I'm so upset about getting a bad rap. Copyright issues, essentially. I can't publish it, and I love the characters on some show I can't help not writing about them.
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Coming up with a name is always a challenge. First off, you're supposed to sum up your entire mission, your entire personality, into a mere one or two words. So, It came to a choice between "Angel of Darkness" (courtesy of my seven year old brother), "The Apocalypse isn't coming...yet." "Rose Boat," or "The Philolog." And honestly, Philolog doesn't sound revoltingly sentimental and is actually kind of fun today. Despite the fact that it sounds technical and unfeeling. And philosophy, at least to me is not cold and unfeeling, but full of the highest thought and emotion.

And according to the world, Philosophy is actually useless. Now, if you happen to be reading my blog for your daily dose of philosophy, I don't think you share the opinion. At least, not unless you're being tied up and forced to read this, in which case I will try to make the experience as enjoyable for you as possible. Well, in layman's terms and goals, in the average individual's materialism and greed and lust, philosophy is kind of useless. But if we are to rise above that blatant ignorance and materialism, then philosophy is not only useful, but necessary. Necessary to keep humans, well, human and thinking, more than animals. Animals do not philosophise. Not to be jumping on the train of "humans are oh so superior to animals," because are we? Are we really? But that's another blog post for another day.

Well, back to the title thing, I figure I should tell you my mission on this blog, since the title obviously didn't do that. Do you know those random, nagging thoughts that keep you up at night? Really deep things, that when you wake up in the morning seem melodramatic and trivial in the face of day to day routines? This blog aims to expose them, to show that they are not trivial, , (unless thoughts of blue ponies keep you up at night, in which case you need a psychology, not philosophy). And maybe discover some truths and interesting facts that we've never thought of before.
Signing out,
The Philologger
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